
flyer tidbits - flyer stats & flying tips (i gave up on boats lmao)

flyer stats
usage = fuel use, in real life (not in-game) time estimates
vertical speed = time taken when takeoff/landing & ascending/descending, horizontal speed = time taken when flying (per tile/move)
rooms = non-cockpit rooms (redundant to include the cockpit, as every flyer has one)
when considering loads: standard character weight = 75kg, flight mutants weigh slightly less (??kg) and lithodermis mutants weigh a bit more (??kg)
dragoon microzep**  | 2500 | 250  |  900  | 2u per movement  | 1u per 1 hour  |    6 sec   |   15 sec    |   7   | crafting
patton supa-lifta   | 3000 | 300  |  700  | 8u per movement* | 1u per 30 sec  |   12 sec   |   20 sec    |   3   | crafting
cessna skywagon     | 400  |      |       |                  |                |            |             |   1   | crafting
cessna tiltrotor    | 300  | 100  |  300  | 2u per movement  | 1u per 90 sec  |    5 sec   |    8 sec    |   1   | $55,000
mosquito ultralight | 150  |  75  |  100  | 0.5u per movemnt | 1u per 60 sec  |    5 sec   |    4 sec    |   0   | $11,000
prion gyrocopter    | 200  |  7   |  200  | 0.25u per mvemnt | 1u per 45 min? |            |             |   1   | $9,999***
flight****          | 1/2c | 500  | 25-70 | 18h per movement | 1h per ?? sec  |    5 sec   |    6 sec    |  N/A  | mutation
jetpack*****        | carr |  10  |  10   | ?? per movement  | ?? per ?? sec  |            |             |  N/A  | crafting
* ascending also burns 5u of fuel. it also hovers at 10m instead of 20m. sheesh
** taking off/landing takes half the time & 3 rooms lie on a second floor above 4 rooms below
*** does not come assembled when bought, requires aero workbench to build
**** see "flight mutation crash course" below
***** see "jetpack crash course" below

flight mutation crash course
* "LOAD" is half of your carry weight, only to be able to take off
* once you're in flight, becoming overencumbered will not drop you
* "FUEL" is food, as you can gain hunger from horizontal flight movements
* "INTEG" is your max hp, obviously, as damage taken from flak will be direct bodily damage
* "idling usage" seems to be about the same as hunger gain rate while "actively" idling on the ground, maybe slightly faster
* every flight movement adds 9 hunger, both at the point of starting the flight movement, as well as at the end
* therefore you gain 18 hunger from one horizontal flight movement
* flight's biggest bonus and instant selling point is the ability to take off from anywhere outdoors
* a lesser known bonus is you can queue movements like on ground, nifty for pre-planning routes between areas
* flight never "hovers", moving to/from LZs and the airspace are a single maneuver
jetpack crash course
* To start things off, everything on a jetpack is shown *graphically* and not *numerically*; makes tracking numbers a bit tough
* When you look at a jetpack you will see these gauges: Altitude: Altitude: [**********] Fuel: [||||||||||] Integrity: [||||||||||]
* "LOAD" is your entire carry weight. However the jetpack alone weighs 10kg (5kg when worn) so that's definitely an issue to consider
* "FUEL" is represented by a gauge with ten 'units'. It depletes for as long as the jetpack is turned on and used to fly, naturally
* Speaking of turning on, the jetpack has unique 'start'/'cut' actions that are used to activate and deactivate it
* You must have the jetpack started to take off (no shit). When you cut the fuel in midair, you start falling (no shit)
* "INTEG" is also represented by a meter with ten 'units'. Not sure how it works yet but you can be blown up if you are hit in the back while wearing it
* Like with flight you don't "hover", you move straight between the ground level and airspace
pilot's protips
* during clear weather you can "look sky" to check for any threats before taking off without a flyer, useful for avoiding Chambo
* chupacabras are mean but inaccurate with slashy pincers & burny firebreath attacks, can feint but easily dodged
* Chambocabra = boss chupacabra, may open fights with feints & wields AK-7 skillfully
* wind apparently affects horizontal speed but every time I've bothered to check it was favorable winds so idk
* cruising altitude starts at 500m, "asc" increases altitude by 1000m, "desc" decreases altitude by 750m [when at/above 1000m?]
* flak = hurts! it can hit lone flying individuals with a fair bit of damage but can cause up to over 100 points of durability damage to flying machines, can be devastating to mosquitos/prions
* flak cannons are installed at necro gate, skydock, and panopticon prison - use FoF module to avoid them if you can or get someone to beat up the turret prior to entering those airspaces
* das flies around all over the map aimlessly, a clairvoyant can enter the airspace and search for it very quickly for a reliable find
* poor weather = tougher flying. ascend above cloud cover and/or avoid flying at night
* keeping aviator's goggles and caffeine in the cockpit can help in a pinch
* groundscan modules only work at 1500m altitude or higher & reveal every entity on outdoor tiles in the below area (including flyers)